Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Battle Report - Sector 35, Spring 1943

Sector 35, Spring 1943

British Forces:
     HMS Illustrious
          Hurricane IIC
          Marlet Mk.II
     HMS Cleopatra
     HMS Jamaica
     HMS Neptune
     HMS Croome (x2)
     Land-Based (3-turn re-arm)
          Bristol Blenheim Mk.IV (x2)

German Forces:
     S-Boot (x6)
     U-66 (x2)
     U-47 (x2)
     Land-Based (2 turn re-arm)
          FW 190 (x2)
     Land-Based (4 turn re-arm)
          FW200 Kondor

Weather is fine.  Islands in B2, C6+D7, G5+G6, J3.  Objectives in F1, F4, F7.

START: The Illustrious, Cleopatra, and a Croome start in A4 while the Jamaica, the Neptune, and the other Croome start in A5.  The Submarine starts in E4.  The Germans deploy their U-47s in F4 and F5 and their U-66s in G3 and G4.  The S-boots are deployed in pairs in K3, K4, and K5.

Turn 1: The British win initiative.  The S-boots advance to H3, H5, and H6, the U-47s move to E3 and E4, and the U-66s move to F3 and F5.  The Jamaica’s formation moves to B5 while the Illustrious and Cleopatra move to B6.  The orphaned Croome moves to C5 and the Submarine moves to F5.  The Kondor moves to C4, protected by a Bf109 and is attacked by a Hurricane.  The Blenheims and BV138 both go after the opposing submarines in F5, the British planes escorted by the Martlet and the Germanby the other Bf109.  The Kondor is aborted and a Blenheim is shot down by the Bf109, but the BV138 attack misses the Submarine.  The British submarine hits and sinks U-66 while avoiding the return fire.  The U-47 misses the Croome.

Turn 2: The British win initiative.  The U-47s move to D4 and D5, the U-66 moves to E3, and the S-boots separate, moving to E4, E5, F4, F5, F6, and G4.   The British submarine moves to E4, the Illustrious formation moves to B7 and the Jamaica and Neptune remain in place.  One Croome moves to E4 and the other moves to E5, each successfully ramming and sinking the U-47s.   The Hurricane bombs and destroys the s-boot in F6 while theMartlet’s strafing attack misses the one in F5. The S-boot sinks the Submarine with ASW.  The Jamaica’s main guns miss an s-boot, while it evades the fire from the Neptune .  The Croomes hit and sink the s-boots in E4 and E5.  The s-boot misses the Croome with both guns and torpedoes.  The U-66 misses the other Croome with its torpedoes.

Turn 3: The British win initiative.  The remaining S-boots move to C6, E4, and E5 and the U-66 moves to E4.  Both Croomes combine in E4.  The Illustrious formation pulls back to A5 while the Jamaica’s formation remains in place.  The Hurricane bombs and sinke the s-boot in E4 while the Martlet against misses the one in C6.  The s-boot in E5 evades the fire from the Neptune and is missed by the main guns from the Jamaica, but finally is hit and sunk by the heavy cruiser’s secondaries.  Before sinking that s-boot misses one Croome with torpedoes but cripples the other one with its guns.

Turn 4: The British win initiative.  The U-66 and remaining s-boot combine in C4.  The Croomes both follow, also moving to C4.  The Illustrious formation moves back to A7 and the Jamaica’s formation moves back to A5. Both British aircraft and both German fighters combine over C4.  In the ensuing dogfight, a Bf109 downs the Hurricane.  The S-boot sinks the uncrippled Croome with its torpedo and sinks the crippled on with its guns.  The Croome’s return fire is equally devastating, with the crippled one hitting and sinking the s-boot with its guns while the other one scores a vital hit with its ASW attack on the U-66, sinking it also.

Surviving British Units:
HMS Illustrious
HMS Cleopatra
HMS Jamaica
HMS Neptune
Bristol Blenheim Mk.IV
Marlet Mk.II

Surviving German Units:
Bf109 (x2)
FW200 Kondor

AFTER ACTION (UK):  Losing two aircraft was a bit of a blow, but it was a big hit against the German U-boat fleet with minimal losses to my surface fleet.

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