Monday, November 14, 2011

Turn 2 German Summary

TO: Chef der Stabes der Seekriegsleitung
TO: Chef der Operationsabteilung
TO: Flottencheffen

Things went as planned in the Northern front.  We sacrificed a cruiser squadron to tie down two enemy aircraft carriers, allowing us to more easily wipe out a sizable Japanese fleet.  Against the British, however, despite arranging significant air superiority, we were forced to retreat.  Air losses were heavy on both sides but our squadrons should have performed much better than they did.  Nonetheless, our front is stable and advances by some of our destroyers will slow down British reinforcements..

Großadmiral Erich Raider
Oberbefehlshaber der Kriegsmarine

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Turn 2 End of Turn Results

Here is the end of turn map.  The Germans are up to +80, the Japanese are now +100, and the British are down to +60.


 - 2 Battleships
 - 1 Carrier
 - 3 Cruisers
 - 6 Destroyers
 - 11 Aircraft

 - 5 Cruisers
 - 4 Cruisers crippled
 - 5 Destroyers
 - 3 Destroyers crippled
 - 6 Auxiliaries
 - 13 Aircraft

 - 1 Battleship
 - 1 Carrier
 - 4 Cruisers
 - 1 Cruiser crippled
 - 3 Destroyers
 - 4 Torpedo Boats
 - 2 Submarines
 - 1 Aircraft

Turn 2 Battle Report - Sector 67

[Battle Report - Air Superiority only works if your fighters can actually hit and their AA isn't almost perfect]

British Forces
HMS Ramilies
HMS Roberts
HMS Ark Royal
 - Martlet Mk.II (x3)
HMS Formidable
 - Martlet Mk.II (x2)
HMS Carlisle
HMS Tynedale (x2)
HMS Tartar (x2)
HMS Kelly
HMS Kelvin
Sunderland Mk.I (x6)
Martlet Mk.II
Fairey Albacore
Fairey Fulmar
Bristol Blenheim Mk.IV

German Forces
Graf Zeppelin
 - Ju87D
 - Me155
Peter Strasser
 - Fi167
 - Me155
Peter Strasser
 - Fi167
 - Me155
Admiral Graf Spee (x2)
Admiral Scheer (x2)
Admiral Hipper 
Z-20 Karl Galster (x2)
Z-19 Hermann Kunne
Atlantis (x3)
Bf109 (x2)
Bf110 C-4 (x3)
Bv138 (x6)
Do 24T-1 (x2)

British Losses
HMS Calrlisle
HMS Tartar (x2)
HMS Tynedale
Sunderland Mk.I (x6)
Bristol Blenheim Mk.IV
Martlet Mk.II
Fairey Albacore

German Losses
Admiral Graf Spee - crippled
Admiral Graf Spee - 1 damage
Admiral Scheer
Admiral Scheer - crippled
Admiral Hipper - crippled
Blücher - crippled
Atlantis (x3)
Fi167 (x3)
BV138 (x5)
Bf110 (x2)

Turn 2 Battle Report - Sector 46

[Battle Report - no combat; Me-155s scouted and Hurricanes did not go up to meet them]

British Forces
HMS Royal Oak
HMS Barham
HMS Roberts (x2)
HMS Glorious
 - Sea Hurricane Mk.IB (x2)
HMS Courageous
HMS Niaid
HMS Phoebe
HMS Dido
HMS Carlisle (x2)
HMS Euryalus
HMS Tynedale (x2)
HMS Croome
HMS Jervis
HMS Gurkha (x2)
HMS Mohawk (x2)
HMS Tartar (x2)

German Forces

British Losses

German Losses

Turn 2 Battle Report - Sector 77

[Battle Report - Sunderland aborted once, but hits with next two attacks]

British Forces
Sunderland Mk.I

German Forces
Z-18 Hans Ludemann

British Losses

German Losses
Z-21 Wilhelm Heidkamp

Turn 2 Battle Report - Sector 68

[Battle Report - Blenheim aborted by first attack, but hits destroyer with second one]

British Forces
Bristol Blenheim Mk.IV (3 spaces distant)

German Forces
Z-19 Hermann Kunne

British Losses

German Losses
Z-19 Hermann Kunne  - crippled

Turn 2 Battle Report - Sector 58

[Battle Report - Blenheim has only time for 2 attacks and gets aborted both times]

British Forces
Bristol Blenheim Mk.IV (3 spaces distant)

German Forces
Z-21 Wilhelm Heidkamp

British Losses

German Losses

Turn 2 Battle Report - Sector 57

[Battle Report - Stuka has time for only 2 attacks and gets aborted both times]

British Forces
HMS Mohawk
Sea Hurricane Mk.IB

German Forces
Ju87D Stuka

British Losses

German Losses

Turn 2 Battle Report - Sector 47

[Battle Report - German DD hides behind squalls until can get range 1 torpedo shot on Resolution, which it misses before dying]

British Forces
HMS Resolution
HMS Roberts
HMS Hermione
HMS Niaid
HMS Mohawk (x2)

German Forces
Z-18 Hans Ludemann

British Losses

German Losses
Z-18 Hans Ludemann

Turn 2 Battle Report - Sector 36

[Battle Report forthcoming.  Swordfish aborted, strafing Hurricane sinks DD]

Japanese Forces
Yamakaze (Shiratsuyu class Destroyer) - crippled

British Forces
Sea Hurricane Mk.IB
Swordfish Mk.II

Japanese Losses

British Losses

Turn 2 Battle Report - Sector 27

[Battle Report will be done later.  This at least shows units involved and losses]

Japanese Forces
Kirishima (Kongo class Battleship)
Matsu (Nagato class Battleship)
Shokaku (Shokaku class Carrier)
 - A6M2 'Zeke'
 - D3A 'Val'
 - B5N2 'Kate
Hiryu (Hiryu class Carrier)
 - A6M2 'Zeke'
 - D1A2 'Susie'
 - B5N2 'Kate'
Takao (Takao class Cruiser)
Maya (Takao class Cruiser)
Atago (Takao class Cruiser)
Asakaze (Kamikaze class Destroyer) (x2)
Yamakaze (Shiratsuyu class Destroyer)
Akitsuki (Akitsuki class Destroyer)
T51B Torpedo Boat
B4Y 'Jean'
A5M 'Claude'
A6M2 'Zeke' (x2)
Ki-45 'Nick'
H8KI Type 2 'Emily' (x3)
G4M1 'Betty' (x2)

British Forces
HMS Valiant
HMS Roberts
HMS Illustrious
 - Martlet Mk.II (x2)
HMS Cleopatra
HMS Carlisle
HMS Tynedale
HMS Gurkha
HMS Mohawk
Sea Hurricane Mk.IB (x2)
Sunderland Mk.I (x3)
Bristol Blenheim Mk.IV (x2)

Japanese Losses
T51B Torpedo Boat
B5N2 'Kate

British Losses
HMS Valiant - 3 hits
HMS Illustrious
HMS Roberts
HMS Carlisle
HMS Cleopatra
HMS Mohawk
HMS Gurkha
HMS Tynedale
Bristol Blenheim Mk.IV
Sunderland Mk.I