Saturday, February 12, 2011

Summary and After Action - Fall 1942

Turn 4 Final Map
British Losses:
 1 Battleship
 0 Carriers (2 crippled)
 6 Cruisers (1 crippled)
10 Destroyers (2 crippled)
 1 Submarine
 8 Aircraft

German Losses:
 1 Battleship
 1 Carrier
12 Cruisers (2 crippled)
 7 Destroyers (1 crippled)
 3 Submarines
 2 Aircraft

After Action (UK): The bloodiest turn since the first one and my air losses were especially painful.  My consolidation of the central area did not go as well as hoped, but there is promise for the future, considering the blow his cruiser forces took.

1 comment:

  1. Definitely a bloody turn.

    This weekend the SNSY (Swystun Naval Ship Yard was exceptionally busy...)

    Refit 2 Dutch CL Tromps (New funnel and boats)
    Refit 2 Dutch CL Jacob Von Heemskerk's (New funeel and boats)
    2 New Dutch CL - Tromp and Jacob von Heemskerk
    Built 4 Dutch CL - De Zeven Provincien Class
    Refit 3 Dutch CL - Java Class (moved superstructure and forward guns)
    Build 8 gun Java Class (was bored)
    Refitted the 2 Dutch Battlecruisers
    (new smokestacks, new secondary)
    Finished the 12 gun Ise and Hyuga
    Finished the French Joffre and Pain Levee
    Finished the Ryujo
    Finished the Argus (British Carrier)
    Finished Tiger, Princess Royal and Lion
    Finished refitting the Gustav into her sister ships (Swedish)
    Finished 2 Swedish CL's
    Finished Mogador and Volta (French DD's)
    Finished 2 more french DD's
    Finished Adelaide (Australian CL)
    Refitted Goteborg (Swedish CL)
    Finished Italian Seaplane Carrier
    Finished another Swedish Cruiser whose name I have forgotten.
    Finished Wichita
    Finished Swedish minelaying cruiser....

    I had to scrap a Quincy, 1 Leander, 2 Kirov's several Cossacks, several Blyscawica's and 2 Fantasque's and one Samuel B. Roberts.

    Also scrapped some larger ships (1/700's for their funnels).

    Of course finished means,launched not yet commissioned (aka put together but may or may not be primed but still needs painting).
