Sunday, January 29, 2012

Turn 1 Battle Report - Sector 67

Initial Deployment: The German and British battle fleets line up with the island between them.  The infiltrating U-47 sets up, ready to strike on turn 2.

Turn 1: The forces advance.  The British make a large air assault on the German battleship formation, to no effect.  Luckily, though, the British aircraft were able to land a depth charge hit on the U-47, sinking it.  The German air raid on the destroyer formation leaves both the HMS Croome and HMS Lance crippled.  The He 177 manages to land a bomb hit on the HMS Fiji.

Turn 2: Faced with the British submarines in the south, the German formations head north.  The Bf 109 attempts, unsuccessfully, to strafe the destroyer formation.

Turn 3: The two battleships maneuver for a long range shot, with the HMS Rodney leaving its escorts behind.  The Bismarck takes a hit, as does the HMS Rodney, though from a surprising source as the Admiral Hipper's guns score a hit on the battleship.

Turn 4: This would be a key turn as the land based air was again ready to enter the fray.  The bulk of the German air goes after the left-behind escorts of the HMS Rodney, managing to crippled HMS Fiji.  The British air formations go after the Bismarck and Admiral Hipper, but only succeed in getting the Albacore shot down by flak.  The Sunderland drops mines, forcing the Germans to close with the British submarines in order to close the distance to the British ships.  The heavy ships exchange fire, with the Bismarck's fire again ineffective while the HMS Rodney scores hits on both the Bismarck and Admiral Hipper.
Conclusion:  Not wanting to risk the British torpedoes, the German forces head West, exiting the map on turn 6.  The British, having captured the sector at the cost of a squadron of torpedo bombers and three crippled ships, let them go.

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