Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Turn 2 Battle Report - Sector 42

Spring 1941 Operational Sector 42
Engagement Report
Kaigun Daisa Arihito
Battleship Nagato, Operations Staff

Assembled by order of the Emperor, our glorious battle fleet advanced into the border with our dishonorable German neighbors.  Our large fleet was assembled across our center while the smaller German fleet deployed into two formations.  With plenty of daylight left to catch any fleeing foes and only a single squall for them to hide within, we felt confident.
     The German force, deployed in two formations of two ship each advanced to the south of the island.  Except for the two Aircraft Carriers, our force charged to engage the enemy at maximum speed.  A veritable horde of aircraft, from our two carriers and nearby land bases swarmed toward the enemy ships, completely ignoring the two insignificant squadrons of German aircraft that arrived from a distant base to meet them.  The squadron of German fighter, while potent, was not able to cause any lasting damage and the gunners on the Chikuma were able to send off the German dive bombers.   Our aircraft met with far more success.  Our torpedo planes sunk the light battleship and crippled the heavy cruiser while bombers damaged the light cruiser and crippled the destroyer.
     Showing commendable spirit, the Germans continued to advance, though sought cover from the squall.  Our warships moved to meet them, entering gunnery range.  Our carrier aircraft, however, would have another change to finish the fight.  German anti-air fire was fierce, driving off a squadron of B4Y torpedo bombers and a strafing squadron of A5M fighters.  A squadron of D3A dive bombers landed a crippling hit on the light cruiser and the B4N2 torpedo bombers finished off the heavy cruiser.  As our warships prepared to give the brave Germans a burial of fire, their crippled ships fired and amazingly both managed to land hits on the Chikuma, despite the extreme range, crippling the important scout cruiser.  Our return fire easily finished off the enemy ships.
      This was a great victory for the Imperial Japanese Navy.   We not only captured this rich sector, but destroyed four enemy ships at the cost of only one crippled cruiser.


Japanese Forces
Nagato (Nagato class Battleship)
Kaga (Kaga class Carrier)
 - A5M 'Claude'
 - D3A 'Val'
 - B5N2 'Kate'
Soryu (Soryu class Carrier)
 - A6M2 'Zeke'
 - B5N2 'Kate'
 - B4Y 'Jean'
Kinugasa (Aoba class Cruiser)
Suzuya (Magami class Cruiser)
Chikuma (Tone class Cruiser)
Shigure (Shiratsuyu class Destroyer)
T51B TP Boat (x2)
H8KI Type 2 'Emily'
Ki-43 'Oscar'
G3M 'Nell'
G4M 'Betty'

German Forces
Admiral Scheer
Ju-87D (no rearming)
Me-155 (no rearming) 

Japanese Losses
Chikuma - crippled

German Losses
Admiral Scheer

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