Saturday, September 10, 2011

Turn 1 Battle Report - Sector 27

Engagement Report, Winter 1941, Operational Sector 27
Commander Graham Winterspring
HMS Ark Royal, Operations Staff

The fleet entered Sector 27 with reports from Air Reconnaissance of a moderately sized enemy force moving to intercept.  The Japanese were able to initiate the engagement 30 minutes before dawn, giving their ships the advantage of being able to close without taking effective gunnery.  The Japanese surface elements deployed in two formations with the carrier, sitting alone and far behind them.  Their single submarine led their force.
   Our fleet deployed in four combat formations.  Formation 1 consisted of 3 destroyers, purposed to screen and sink the submarine before it could get within weapons range of the battleships.  Formation 2 was based around the HMS Valiant and Formation 3 around the HMS Roberts.  Formation 4 included the HMS Ark Royal and its escorts.
    The Japanese closed rapidly under the cover of darkness.  Wanting to delay until daylight, Formations 2 and 3 advanced slowly behind some islands while Formation 3 placed itself as a screen.  We observed an enemy bomber squadron, suspected to be of type-'Susie' attempt to find the Carrier in the dark, but was unsuccessful.  Radio traffic indicates it failed to find its own carrier, either.
     As the fleets closed with each other, Formation 1 attempted to close on the Japanese submarine but by doing so placed themselves within long range of the Japanese shipbourne torpedoes.  The enemy launched a full spread and both the Gurkha and a Mohawk were struck and sunk.
     Still limited by darkness, Formations 2 and 3 attempted to use the islands as cover as much as possible while the Japanese closed, heedless of the danger.  The Oi used a Torpedo Run to close with Formation 3 and a heavy exchange of gunfire and torpedoes ensued.  The Kelvin and Dido were sunk and the Tartar crippled by the enemy.  Our fire sunk the Shiranui and Shiratsuyu and damaged the Oi.  The main guns from the Roberts hit the ammunition on the Shiratsuki, destroying it in dramatic fashion.  The Japanese submarine, focused on our ASW resources and hit and sunk the other Mohawk.
     With the sun now over the horizon, our guns could now target fully and our battered forces consolated into 3 formations, one of which being the untouched Formation 4 while the Japanese, in true Samurai fashion closed at maximum speed toward the Ark Royal.  The Japanese launched an airstrike, but it was ineffectual.  in the exchange of gunnery and torpedoes, the Tartar was sunk and the Ark Royal crippled by two torpedo strikes.  The Tynedale lay a smoke screen to help protect it and the Battleships.  The main guns from the Valiant blew up the Katakami in spectacular fashion and the Roberts, not to be outdone, did the same with the Oi.  The Kamakazi class destroyer was also sunk by our guns but the Japanese submarine was able to get a hit on the Roberts.
    With the Japanese surface elements all but gone, the Valiant and Cleopatra closed on the retreating Japanese carrier while the Japanese submarine predictably closed the distance with the Ark Royal.  Japanese Air again launched but other than the downing of a squadron of strafing Zekes, had not impact.  The Tynedale lay smoke, attempting to protect the Roberts and Carlisle.  The Valiant fired its main guns at extreme range on the Japanese carrier and hit the aircraft fuel, starting of string of explosions that quickly broke the ship apart.  While most of its air squadrons flew back to land bases, the squadron of Vals had just landed when the shells hit and went down with their carrier.
     The Japanese submarine was able to sink the Tynedale, but was unable to get another hit on the crippled Ark Royal or damaged Roberts before retreating back to base.
     The crews of our destroyers are to be commended for their bravery in screening the fleet and the gunnery of the Valiant and Roberts are to be especially commended.  Our fleet is unfortunately in heavy disarray.  While we have effective heavy surface units remaining, the Ark Royal needs to return to base for repairs and the fleet lacks any ASW support.


Japanese Forces
Zuikaku (Shokaku class Carrier)
 - A6M2 'Zeke'
 - D1A2 'Susie'
 - D3A 'Val'
Oi (Kuma class Cruiser)
Kitakami (Kuma class Cruiser)
Shirayuki (Fabuki class Destroyer)
Shiranui (Kagero class Destroyer)
Shiratsuyu (Shiratsuyu class Destroyer)
Kamikaze class Destroyer
I-17 Submarine
Ki-43 'Oscar' (2 sectors distant)
Ki-45 'Nick' (2 sectors distant)
A6M2 'Zeke' (4 sectors distant)

British Forces
HMS Valiant
HMS Roberts
HMS Ark Roya
 - Martlet Mk.II (x2)
 - Sea Hurricane Mk. IB
HMS Carlisle
HMS Dido
HMS Tartar
HMS Mohawk (x2)
HMS Kelvin
HMS Gurkha
HMS Tynedale

British Losses
     HMS Dido
     HMS Ark Royal - crippled
     HMS Tartar
     HMS Mohawk (x2)
     HMS Kelvin
     HMS Gurkha
     HMS Tynedale

Japanese Losses
     Kamikaze class Destroyer
     A6M2 'Zeke'
     D1A2 'Susie'
     D3A 'Val'

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