Monday, January 17, 2011

Battle Report - Sector 28, Spring 1941

Sector 28 Spring 1941

British Forces:
     HMS Rodney
     HMS Euryalus
     HMS Javelin
     HMS Jervis
     HMS Tynedale
     Submarine (based on Greek Proteus)
     Land-based (2 turn re-arming)
          Spitfire Mk.IA (x2)
          Martlet Mk.II
          Swordfish Mk.II
     Land-based (4 turn re-arming)
          Bristol Blenheim Mk.IV

German Forces:
     Graf Spee
     K20 Karl Galster
     K18 Hans Ludemann
     Land-based (2 turn re-arming
          BF 109
          BF 110 (x2)
          Ju87B (x2)

The weather is fine with two islands on the map (A5 and E3).  Three 25-point objectives were placed in the standard locations (F1, F4, and F7).

START: The British ships start in two formations, with the Rodney and Javelin in A2, and the other ships in A3.  The Submarine starts in E4.  The Scharnhort, Graf Spee and Galster begin together in K1, leaving the Ludemann alone in K2.  The u-boat starts in G1.

Turn 1: The British win initiative, but the main formation of German ships remains in place.  The U-66 does advance to F2 and the Ludemann to I1.  The British just charge ahead, the Rodney's formation moving to C3 and the Euryalus to C4  The submarine advances to F4.  The Germans send both Stukas and both 110s against the lighter formation led by the Euryalus while the BF 109 defends the u-boat.  The British Swordfish goes after the Ludemann while all three fighters defend the ships from the German air power.  Fighting is fierce.  British fighters abort one of the 110s and a Stuka and flak from the Euryalus aborts the other Stuka.  The BF 110 that makes it through the fire misses with its strafing attack.  The Swordfishes manages to dodge the flak from the Ludemann but misses with its torpedoes.

Turn 2: The British again win initiative and the main German formation again remains in place.  The u-boat moves to F3 and the Ludemann moves to G2.  The British formations seperate, being forced to deal with the u-boat.  The Javelin moves to E2, to threaten the German submarine while the Rodney, Euryalus and Tyndale combine in E4.  The Jervis, safe from the re-arming German air, moves alone to E5.  The British submarine moves to G3 only for the Ludemann to follow using its sub hunter ability. The Blenheim, held back the previous turn, attacks u-boat but misses.  The Ludemann's ASW attack misses the British submarine then first the Javelin then the Tyndale hit the German destroyer with their guns and sink it.  Threatened from both sea and air, the U-66 misses the Rodney.

Turn 3: The British predictably win initiative and only the U-66 moves, retreating to G3.  The British submarine advances to H3.  The Rodney, Tynedale and Javelin combine on top of the u-boat in G3 while the Euryalus and Jervis move to G4.  The Javelin's depth charges crippled the German submarine and the Tynedale finishes it off.  The main guns from the Scharnhorst and Graf Spee miss the Rodney but the British battleship's return fire hits a vital location in the Scharnhorst, blowing it out of the water. 

Turn 4:  With the British winning initiative again, and down their battleship, the Germans are forced to close with the British formation.  The two German ships advance to I2, hoping to do some damage before going down to the more numreous and powerful British guns.  The British Submarin remains in place, out of ASW range.  The Euryalus, Jervis and Tynedale combine in H4 while the Rodney and Javelin remain in place.  Both Stukas, a 110 attack the lighter British units in H4, with the 109 escorting, and the British respond by sending both Spitfires and the Martlet to defend the ships.  The other 110 moves to strafe the Javelin.  The German air attack proves both costly and futile.  One 110 is downed by a Spitfire while the other three attack planes' attacks are aborted by the heavy flak and fighter fire.   The Galster fires and cripples the Tynedale with its guns and the Graf Spee hits Euryalus with its main guns.  Its secondaries miss, though, saving the British cruiser from a crippling hit. The main guns from the Rodney fire again, again hitting a vital are of its target, this time blowing up the Graf Spee.  The Euryalus hits the Galster, allowing the guns from the Javelin to finish it off.

Surviving British Forces:
HMS Rodney
HMS Euryalus
HMS Javelin
HMS Jervis
HMS Tynedale (crippled)
Spitfire Mk.IA (x2)
Martlet Mk.II
Swordfish Mk.II
Bristol Blenheim Mk.IV

Surviving German Forces:
BF 109
BF 110
Ju87B (x2)

AFTER ACTION (UK):  Um, not much I can say.  It's a dice game and mine were pretty hot.

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