Monday, November 14, 2011

Turn 2 German Summary

TO: Chef der Stabes der Seekriegsleitung
TO: Chef der Operationsabteilung
TO: Flottencheffen

Things went as planned in the Northern front.  We sacrificed a cruiser squadron to tie down two enemy aircraft carriers, allowing us to more easily wipe out a sizable Japanese fleet.  Against the British, however, despite arranging significant air superiority, we were forced to retreat.  Air losses were heavy on both sides but our squadrons should have performed much better than they did.  Nonetheless, our front is stable and advances by some of our destroyers will slow down British reinforcements..

Großadmiral Erich Raider
Oberbefehlshaber der Kriegsmarine

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Turn 2 End of Turn Results

Here is the end of turn map.  The Germans are up to +80, the Japanese are now +100, and the British are down to +60.


 - 2 Battleships
 - 1 Carrier
 - 3 Cruisers
 - 6 Destroyers
 - 11 Aircraft

 - 5 Cruisers
 - 4 Cruisers crippled
 - 5 Destroyers
 - 3 Destroyers crippled
 - 6 Auxiliaries
 - 13 Aircraft

 - 1 Battleship
 - 1 Carrier
 - 4 Cruisers
 - 1 Cruiser crippled
 - 3 Destroyers
 - 4 Torpedo Boats
 - 2 Submarines
 - 1 Aircraft

Turn 2 Battle Report - Sector 67

[Battle Report - Air Superiority only works if your fighters can actually hit and their AA isn't almost perfect]

British Forces
HMS Ramilies
HMS Roberts
HMS Ark Royal
 - Martlet Mk.II (x3)
HMS Formidable
 - Martlet Mk.II (x2)
HMS Carlisle
HMS Tynedale (x2)
HMS Tartar (x2)
HMS Kelly
HMS Kelvin
Sunderland Mk.I (x6)
Martlet Mk.II
Fairey Albacore
Fairey Fulmar
Bristol Blenheim Mk.IV

German Forces
Graf Zeppelin
 - Ju87D
 - Me155
Peter Strasser
 - Fi167
 - Me155
Peter Strasser
 - Fi167
 - Me155
Admiral Graf Spee (x2)
Admiral Scheer (x2)
Admiral Hipper 
Z-20 Karl Galster (x2)
Z-19 Hermann Kunne
Atlantis (x3)
Bf109 (x2)
Bf110 C-4 (x3)
Bv138 (x6)
Do 24T-1 (x2)

British Losses
HMS Calrlisle
HMS Tartar (x2)
HMS Tynedale
Sunderland Mk.I (x6)
Bristol Blenheim Mk.IV
Martlet Mk.II
Fairey Albacore

German Losses
Admiral Graf Spee - crippled
Admiral Graf Spee - 1 damage
Admiral Scheer
Admiral Scheer - crippled
Admiral Hipper - crippled
Blücher - crippled
Atlantis (x3)
Fi167 (x3)
BV138 (x5)
Bf110 (x2)

Turn 2 Battle Report - Sector 46

[Battle Report - no combat; Me-155s scouted and Hurricanes did not go up to meet them]

British Forces
HMS Royal Oak
HMS Barham
HMS Roberts (x2)
HMS Glorious
 - Sea Hurricane Mk.IB (x2)
HMS Courageous
HMS Niaid
HMS Phoebe
HMS Dido
HMS Carlisle (x2)
HMS Euryalus
HMS Tynedale (x2)
HMS Croome
HMS Jervis
HMS Gurkha (x2)
HMS Mohawk (x2)
HMS Tartar (x2)

German Forces

British Losses

German Losses

Turn 2 Battle Report - Sector 77

[Battle Report - Sunderland aborted once, but hits with next two attacks]

British Forces
Sunderland Mk.I

German Forces
Z-18 Hans Ludemann

British Losses

German Losses
Z-21 Wilhelm Heidkamp

Turn 2 Battle Report - Sector 68

[Battle Report - Blenheim aborted by first attack, but hits destroyer with second one]

British Forces
Bristol Blenheim Mk.IV (3 spaces distant)

German Forces
Z-19 Hermann Kunne

British Losses

German Losses
Z-19 Hermann Kunne  - crippled

Turn 2 Battle Report - Sector 58

[Battle Report - Blenheim has only time for 2 attacks and gets aborted both times]

British Forces
Bristol Blenheim Mk.IV (3 spaces distant)

German Forces
Z-21 Wilhelm Heidkamp

British Losses

German Losses

Turn 2 Battle Report - Sector 57

[Battle Report - Stuka has time for only 2 attacks and gets aborted both times]

British Forces
HMS Mohawk
Sea Hurricane Mk.IB

German Forces
Ju87D Stuka

British Losses

German Losses

Turn 2 Battle Report - Sector 47

[Battle Report - German DD hides behind squalls until can get range 1 torpedo shot on Resolution, which it misses before dying]

British Forces
HMS Resolution
HMS Roberts
HMS Hermione
HMS Niaid
HMS Mohawk (x2)

German Forces
Z-18 Hans Ludemann

British Losses

German Losses
Z-18 Hans Ludemann

Turn 2 Battle Report - Sector 36

[Battle Report forthcoming.  Swordfish aborted, strafing Hurricane sinks DD]

Japanese Forces
Yamakaze (Shiratsuyu class Destroyer) - crippled

British Forces
Sea Hurricane Mk.IB
Swordfish Mk.II

Japanese Losses

British Losses

Turn 2 Battle Report - Sector 27

[Battle Report will be done later.  This at least shows units involved and losses]

Japanese Forces
Kirishima (Kongo class Battleship)
Matsu (Nagato class Battleship)
Shokaku (Shokaku class Carrier)
 - A6M2 'Zeke'
 - D3A 'Val'
 - B5N2 'Kate
Hiryu (Hiryu class Carrier)
 - A6M2 'Zeke'
 - D1A2 'Susie'
 - B5N2 'Kate'
Takao (Takao class Cruiser)
Maya (Takao class Cruiser)
Atago (Takao class Cruiser)
Asakaze (Kamikaze class Destroyer) (x2)
Yamakaze (Shiratsuyu class Destroyer)
Akitsuki (Akitsuki class Destroyer)
T51B Torpedo Boat
B4Y 'Jean'
A5M 'Claude'
A6M2 'Zeke' (x2)
Ki-45 'Nick'
H8KI Type 2 'Emily' (x3)
G4M1 'Betty' (x2)

British Forces
HMS Valiant
HMS Roberts
HMS Illustrious
 - Martlet Mk.II (x2)
HMS Cleopatra
HMS Carlisle
HMS Tynedale
HMS Gurkha
HMS Mohawk
Sea Hurricane Mk.IB (x2)
Sunderland Mk.I (x3)
Bristol Blenheim Mk.IV (x2)

Japanese Losses
T51B Torpedo Boat
B5N2 'Kate

British Losses
HMS Valiant - 3 hits
HMS Illustrious
HMS Roberts
HMS Carlisle
HMS Cleopatra
HMS Mohawk
HMS Gurkha
HMS Tynedale
Bristol Blenheim Mk.IV
Sunderland Mk.I

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Turn 2 Battle Report - Sector 44

Award Ceremony and Engagement Report
Fregattenkapitän Hans Leuters
Battleship Gneisenau, Chief Gunnery Officer
Spring 1941 Operational Sector 44

Konteradmiral Strauss:  Fregattenkapitän, please give your report of the engagement.

Fregattenkapitän Leuters: Thank you, sirs.

Our formation was defending our base in Sector 44 when our scout planes reported an enemy formation approaching.  Our three Atlantis class armed merchants immediately deployed forward in a skirmish line of sorts while our warships deployed by our base.  The smaller Japanese formation, supported by a submarine, deployed in the Northeast in a defensive shell.
     Our warships advanced while the Japanese remained in place, with a two Köln light cruisers leading our attack.  Our merchantmen even closed on the enemy.  With both sides having aircraft carriers and supporting land-based air, the initial air attack was furious.  The Japanese flak was especially effective and we only had reports of a single bomb hit on the enemy carrier.  The Japanese, on the other hand, were able to land torpedo hits on a Köln and the Z-25, sinking the latter, and bomb hits on the other Köln and on the Z-28.
     Despite our losses, we continued to advance.  The Japanese torpedo boats leave their formations to hunt our armed merchantmen.  The next round of air attacks only managed a single bomb hit, but it sank the Z-28.
     At this point, I had the Japanese Aircraft carrier lined up at extreme range and we took the shot.  The next thing we saw was a large explosion.  When the smoke cleared enough to get a better view, the carrier’s bow was already rising out of the water.  Unfortunately, we didn’t see any aircraft on the deck when it went down.  The uncrippled Köln sinks one of the torpedo boats and the Atlantis closest to the enemy formation lands both guns and a torpedo into one of their cruisers, sinking it.  The return fire from the Japanese is devastating to the lightly armored merchantmen though, sinking two of them and heavily damaging the last one.
     Desperate at this point, the Japanese torpedo boats charge our heavy ships while the remaining units consolidate around our last Atlantis.  Now with air superiority, our aircraft act with good effect, sinking both torpedo boats.  The Japanese fire everything they have, managing to sink both the crippled Köln and cripple the last Atlantis.
     I line up our guns on the last Japanese cruiser and our shots, literally, blow the ship to pieces.  We are then forced to watch helplessly as the Japanese submarine lands a torpedo in our last Atlantis, sinking it.
     The submarine attempts to run, but the Z-20 and our flight of BV138s manage to catch and sink it before it can escape.    

Konteradmiral Strauss:   Excellent Report, Leuters.  Your Iron Cross is well deserved for shooting like that.


Japanese Forces
Hiryu (Soryu class Carrier)
 - A6M2 'Zeke'
 - D1A2 'Susie’
 - B5N2 'Kate'
Jintsu (Sendai class Cruiser)
Myoko (Myoko class Cruiser)
T51B TP Boat (x3)
H8KI Type 2 'Emily'
G3M 'Nell'
G4M 'Betty'
G4M1 'Betty'

German Forces
Graf Zeppelin
 - Ju-87D
 - Me-155
Admiral Hipper
Prinz Eugen
Kőln (x2)
Z-20 Karl Galster
Ju-87B (x2) (1 sector distant)
Bf-109 (x2) (1 sector distant)
Bf-110 C-4 (x2) (1 sector distant)
BV138 (x2)

Japanese Losses
T51B TP Boat (x3)

German Losses
Atlantis (x3)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Turn 2 Battle Report - Sector 42

Spring 1941 Operational Sector 42
Engagement Report
Kaigun Daisa Arihito
Battleship Nagato, Operations Staff

Assembled by order of the Emperor, our glorious battle fleet advanced into the border with our dishonorable German neighbors.  Our large fleet was assembled across our center while the smaller German fleet deployed into two formations.  With plenty of daylight left to catch any fleeing foes and only a single squall for them to hide within, we felt confident.
     The German force, deployed in two formations of two ship each advanced to the south of the island.  Except for the two Aircraft Carriers, our force charged to engage the enemy at maximum speed.  A veritable horde of aircraft, from our two carriers and nearby land bases swarmed toward the enemy ships, completely ignoring the two insignificant squadrons of German aircraft that arrived from a distant base to meet them.  The squadron of German fighter, while potent, was not able to cause any lasting damage and the gunners on the Chikuma were able to send off the German dive bombers.   Our aircraft met with far more success.  Our torpedo planes sunk the light battleship and crippled the heavy cruiser while bombers damaged the light cruiser and crippled the destroyer.
     Showing commendable spirit, the Germans continued to advance, though sought cover from the squall.  Our warships moved to meet them, entering gunnery range.  Our carrier aircraft, however, would have another change to finish the fight.  German anti-air fire was fierce, driving off a squadron of B4Y torpedo bombers and a strafing squadron of A5M fighters.  A squadron of D3A dive bombers landed a crippling hit on the light cruiser and the B4N2 torpedo bombers finished off the heavy cruiser.  As our warships prepared to give the brave Germans a burial of fire, their crippled ships fired and amazingly both managed to land hits on the Chikuma, despite the extreme range, crippling the important scout cruiser.  Our return fire easily finished off the enemy ships.
      This was a great victory for the Imperial Japanese Navy.   We not only captured this rich sector, but destroyed four enemy ships at the cost of only one crippled cruiser.


Japanese Forces
Nagato (Nagato class Battleship)
Kaga (Kaga class Carrier)
 - A5M 'Claude'
 - D3A 'Val'
 - B5N2 'Kate'
Soryu (Soryu class Carrier)
 - A6M2 'Zeke'
 - B5N2 'Kate'
 - B4Y 'Jean'
Kinugasa (Aoba class Cruiser)
Suzuya (Magami class Cruiser)
Chikuma (Tone class Cruiser)
Shigure (Shiratsuyu class Destroyer)
T51B TP Boat (x2)
H8KI Type 2 'Emily'
Ki-43 'Oscar'
G3M 'Nell'
G4M 'Betty'

German Forces
Admiral Scheer
Ju-87D (no rearming)
Me-155 (no rearming) 

Japanese Losses
Chikuma - crippled

German Losses
Admiral Scheer

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Turn 2 Battle Report - Sector 45

The following is a report from Rikugan Kaii Runoki, squadron commander of the 18th Fighter Squadron, Imperial Army Air Force.

Our intelligence reports had reported only a small enemy force in this sector and our squadron was assigned to support four flights of Naval bombers with the goal of sinking the entire enemy force.  To our surprise, the reported small force ended up being a light battleship, a cruiser, a destroyer and three submarines - far more than we could sink with a single strike.  We performed a strafing run on the cruiser, but its maneuvering, and the heavy flak, prevented us from doing noticeable damage. We did see the destroyer take a bomb hit, leaving it smoking, but the other bombers were unable to get through with successful attacks.  Unsuccessful and low on fuel, we returned to base.


Japanese Forces
Ki-45 'Nick'
H8K1 'Emily'
G3M 'Nell'
G4M 'Betty' 
G4M1 'Betty'

German Forces
Adm. Graf Spee

Z-25 - crippled

Turn 2 Battle Report - Sector 43





Japanese Forces
G3M 'Nell'
G4M 'Betty
G4M1 'Betty'

German Forces
Type IX U-Boat (x2)


Turn 2 Battle Report - Sector 41

The following is a report from Rikugan Kaii Yamaji, squadron commander of the 17th Fighter Squadron, Imperial Army Air Force.

Our squadron of Ki-45 Fighters was assigned to meet with 3 flights of Naval bombers for a strike mission.  We arrived in the sector mid-day and quickly found the enemy formation consisting of an Aircraft Carrier, a light battleship, and a destroyer.  We immediately scanned the skies around us, looking for enemy fighters, but found none.  We had caught the enemy completely unaware and without their air support!  Our squadron flew low and poured heavy fire into the destroyer, leaving it burning.  The German anti-air was heavy, though, and we saw most of the bombers veer away.  One of them, however, landed a bomb in the middle of the light battleship, causing light damage.  Short on fuel we returned to base.


Japanese Forces
Ki-45 'Nick'
H8K1 'Emily'
G3M 'Nell'
G4M 'Betty'

German Forces
Graf Zeppelin
Z-20 Karl Galster

Z-20 Karl Galster - crippled

Friday, October 7, 2011

Turn 2 TacIntel - Summary

For those who want a less narrated view of the information, this table shows the scout planes each nation deployed, per sector, and what forces each nation had that were detected by the enemy (i.e., forces listed in each column belong to that nation).

Turn 2 TacIntel - British

Good morning, gentlemen.

The following is the combined report of the Fleet Air Arm and Naval Intelligence.

Radio traffic indicates small Japanese forces in Sectors 6, 19, and 36, with medium forces in sector 12.

Flight Leftenant Greeley, of the Fleet Air Arm, Reconnaissance Branch, reports sighting 1 Battleship, 2 Aircraft Carriers, 2 Cruisers, and 4 Destroyers in Sector 13.

Flight Leftenant Forrest reports sighting 2 Battleships, 2 Aircraft Carriers, 3 Cruisers, 4 Destroyers, 1 Torpedo Boat, and probable Submarines in Sector 27.
Flight Leftenant Wallace reports sighting a Destroyer and 3 Torpedo Boats in Sector 35.
On the German front, intercepted radio transmissions indicate small forces in Sectors 45, 58, 68, and 77 and a medium force in Sector 83.  Our intelligence indicates both a small force and the presence of bases in sector 75.

Flight Leftenant Humble reports sighting a Destroyer in Sector 47.
Flight Leftenant Sunderland reports sighting 1 Aircraft Carrier, 2 Cruisers, 1 Destroyer, and 1 Auxiliary unit in Sector 56.
Flight Leftenant Thompson reports sighting an Auxiliary unit and one or more land bases in Sector 56.
Flight Leftenant Adams reports sighting 3 Aircraft Carriers, 8 Cruisers, 3 Destroyers, and 3 Auxiiaries in Sector 56.

That concludes the briefing.

Respectfully yours,

Commander Colin Kingsley-Smythe
Naval Intelligence Liaison

Turn 2 TacIntel - Japanese

Kaigun Taisho-sama,
The 11th Air Fleet was honored to be able to serve the Emperor again.

In Operational Sector 27 a large British force was detected, consisting of 2 Battleships, 1 Aircraft Carrier, 3 Cruisers, and 3 Destroyers.

We thoroughly scouted Operational Sectors 12, 19, 20, 26, and 28 but detected no enemy formations.  Our coastal spotters did detect a small enemy force in Operational Sector 36 and a large enemy force in Operational Sector 46.  We were also able to ascertain that Operational Sector 47 contains both a large enemy formation and some land bases.

In Operational Sector 42 a medium German force was detected, consisting of 3 Cruisers and a Narvik-class Destroyer.

In Operational Sector 44, a large German formation was detected, consisting of a Battleship, an Aircraft Carrier, 4 Cruisers, 3 Destroyers, and 3 Auxiliary units. 

In Operational Sector 43, a force of German submarines was detected.

We also scouted Operational Sectors 32, 33, 34, and 35 but no enemy formations were sighted.  Our coastal spotters detected small German formations in Operational Sectors 45, and 47 and a medium formation in Operational Sector 41.

That concludes my report, Honorable Admiral.

Kaigun Chusa Honda
Kaigun Koukuu-tai
Navy Air Service Liaison

Turn 2 TacIntel - German

To: Oberbefehlshaber der Kriegsmarine
To: Chef der Operationsabteilung der Kriegsmarine

With lessons learned from the Winter, reconnaissance aircraft were deployed in a more efficient manner, with a goal to reduce flight time, and therefore turn around time for subsequent combat operations.

On the Northern Front, our main reconnaissance assets focused on sectors 41, 42, 44, and 45.  While no enemy formations were detected in 41 and 45, significant enemy formations were detected in the other two sectors.  We have reports of 1 Battleship, 2 Aircraft Carriers, 3 Cruisers, 1 Destroyer, and 2 Torpedo Boats in Sector 42 and a force consisting of an Aircraft Carrier, 2 Cruisers, 3 Torpedo Boat, and Submarines in Sector 44.

Our lighter assets report small enemy formations in sectors 32 and 36 with formations of medium size in sector 33 and 35.

On the Eastern Front, our focus was on sectors 56, 66, 67, 75, 83, and 90.  Only in 67 was an enemy formation detected, one consisting of 2 Battleships, 2 Aircraft Carriers, a Cruiser, and 6 Destroyers.  Our lighter assets report a small enemy formation in sector 57, a large formation in sector 46, and both a large formation and some number of land bases in sector 47.


Oberstleutnant Hans Schlüsseler
Seeaufklärungsgeschwader Operations Liaison

Friday, September 16, 2011

Rules Errata

Here are a few rules tweaked we discussed and implemented.

4.7  Changing Units, Mid-Construction

If a unit if 50% or less complete, it can be changed to a different ship of the same class merely by changing the total spend to that of the new unit.

If a unit is more than 50% complete, it can be changed to a different ship of the same class by changing the total spend to that of the new unit AND adding 1 turn to the construction time.  If the newer unit’s cost would increase the construction time by 1 or more, then no additional time is required.

4.8 Upgrading Bases

Airbases may be upgraded to a larger version merely by paying the difference in cost.  The base is fully usable in its original form while being upgraded.

Shore Batteries may be upgraded to a larger version by paying the difference in cost + 50%.  While the base is being upgraded, the AA functions in its original form, but the Gunnery does not.

·          Heavy Shore Battery                  30 points          3 SPACES
o        Main 12/11/10/9  Sec 4/4/3  AA 6         Armor 5  Vital Armor 15  Hull 8
§         Land Base
§         Shore Battery
§         Extended Range 4
§         Heavy Guns.  This unit suffers -2 to each die roll when targeting Destroyers and Torpedo Boats at range 2 or more with its Main Guns.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Turn 1 - German Summary

TO: Chef der Stabes der Seekriegsleitung
TO: Chef der Operationsabteilung
TO: Flottencheffen

The war has not started badly for us.  Our gains in the North were aided by the temerity of our Japanese foes, but even against the British we were successful with most of our objectives.  The loss of most of Flottengruppe Essen was a blow, but cost the Royal Navy most of their support ships in that area.  The Luftwaffe also took heavy losses among its Patrol Bomber formations, but new construction and revised tactics should remedy this situation.  Our outlook is bright and new warships, full of well-trained and eager crew, leave our docks every week.

Großadmiral Erich Raider
Oberbefehlshaber der Kriegsmarine

Turn 1 - Japanese Summary

TO: The Emperor of Japan

The Fleet Commander is pleased that two sectors were captured with minimal commitment of resources. This allows the imperial forces to engage the enemy in more strategic sectors.  The commander is also pleased that enemy UK forces were driven away from the most of the sectors engaged.  However, he is disgraced and vows that the near total loss of a fleet that occurred in one battle against the UK shall never happen again.  

Your humble servant,

Kaigun Taisho Nagano Osami
Chief of Naval General Staff
Imperial Japanese Navy

Turn 1 - British Summary

TO: Royal Navy, Fleet Command
TO: Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm Command
TO: Royal Navy, Ship Captains
TO: Royal Navy, Base Commanders

The British Admiralty commends the performance and sacrifices of all those under its command.  The losses sustained were substantial but not insurmountable.  The challenge going forward will be to hold and consolidate our gains as well as defending our territory.  Our older front line forces will soon be joined by some of the most advanced and powerful ships to ever fly the British flag.  If our intelligence proves to be true, the German and Japanese forces gathering on their joint border will soon meet in combat.  This will, hopefully, draw some their force from our border with them.

Admiral of the Fleet, Sir Dudley Pound
First Sea Lord
Royal Navy

Monday, September 12, 2011

Turn 1 - End of Turn Results

Here is the end of turn map.  The Germans and Japanese are +60 economic points and the British, primarily due to capturing 46, are +100 economic points.


 - 2 Battleships
 - 1 Carrier crippled
 - 5 Cruisers
 - 1 Cruiser crippled
 - 15 Destroyers
 - 4 Aircraft

 - 1 Battleship
 - 4 Cruisers
 - 2 Destroyers
 - 3 Submarines
 - 7 Aircraft

 - 1 Carrier
 - 3 Cruisers
 - 6 Destroyers
 - 1 Destroyer crippled
 - 1 Submarine crippled
 - 9 Aircraft