War at Sea Campaign Rules
1. Overview
This campaign system is intended for two or three players and is intended to produce 80-300 point per side Axis and Allies: Naval Miniatures battles within a simple campaign system that provides some context to each battle.
1.1. Advanced Rules
There are a number of Advanced Rule options included that he players may choose to use. Except where noted, they are completely independent, allowing the players to pick and choose which they desire to use.
· Advanced Rule: Quarterly Turns
o This rule divides the game into 3 month turns, rather than 6 month turns, with corresponding changes to construction and economic points
· Advanced Rule: Construction
o This rule requires construction facilities for building all standard units, both limiting construction and allowing for economic and strategic expansion of construction locations and capacity.
· Advanced Rule: Air Range
o This rule uses an assigned range for each Aircraft, instead of generic ranges for all aircraft of the same subtype.
· Advanced Rule: Territory
o This rule has on-map islands, not abstract territory representing the economic value of sectors. Every territory has an island and all Bases are represented by larger islands.
o All land airbases are represented by actual units
o The Shore battery unit is available in the game
o Islands are captured by winning sector and destroying all enemy ground bases on island
· Advanced Rule: Ground Combat
o This rule requires that the Advanced Rule: Territory be used
o Infantry units and amphibious assaults occur in the game
o Island capture requires infantry
· Advanced Rule: Planned Airstrikes
o This rule modifies the sequence of play so that air strikes are determined after Tactical Intelligence is gathered
· Advanced Rule: Scouting
o This rule adds a Search step in the sequence of play, for players to send search planes to gather tactical intelligence.
o Tactical Intelligence information levels are variable based on the searching units, or lack thereof.
· Advanced Rule: Large Battle Map
o This rule doubles the size of the battle map for each battle with corresponding changes to the battle duration
o Aircraft re-arm times are modified with this rule
· Advanced Rule: Aircraft Ammunition
o Aircraft re-arming modified to account for ammunition usage
· Advanced Rule: Aircraft Damage
o Aircraft have 4 hull and are damaged by Aborts
· Advanced Rule: Repair
o Repair Facilities required for repairing crippled ships
· Advanced Rule: Economy
o Economic points must be transported to construction locations to be used
o Adds Convoy battle rules
2. Game Start
2.1. Starting Points
Each side begins with 1000 points to purchase units.
· Up to 50 points may remain unspent.
2.2. Starting Pre-Build Points
Each side begins with 250 points to spend on pre-production of units.
· Pre-Production represents prior turn spending on units which take multiple turns to produce.
· Points spent on Pre-Production cannot be spent on a unit which completes prior to Turn 1.
· Up to 10 points may remain unspent.
2.3. Unit Rarity
Each Unit has a Rarity factor, either Common, Half, Quarter, or Unique.
· Units with a Rarity of Common should not represent more than one more than half of the units of that Subtype (Submarines counts as a subtype for these purposes). If there is only one available ship of that Subtype during that period (based on year in service) then it may be built freely.
· Units with a Rarity of Half should not represent more than one more than half of the units of that ship class (i.e., King George V class). This rule is overridden if no other units of that ship class are yet available, due to the year.
· Units with a Rarity of Quarter should not represent more than one more than a quarter of the units of that ship class. This rule is overridden if no other units with a Rarity greater than Quarter, of that ship class, are yet available, due to the year.
· No more than one unit of each type with a Rarity of Unique can exist at a time. If a Unique unit is destroyed, it may be replaced.
· Aircraft also use Rarity factors, but they are based on Subtype only.
· Rarity calculations (except for Unique) are based on the number produced, not the number remaining.
2.4. United States Balance
The United States player must choose one of the following balance options
· All units costs 20% more
· All units costs 10% more and all units with torpedoes count as having the Defective Torpedoes SA
2.5. Initial Force Balance
Players are limited in their force make-up in the following ways
· For each Battleship, there must be at least one Cruiser and two Destroyers.
· For each Carrier with a capacity of 2 or more, there must be at least one Cruiser and two Destroyers
· For each Carrier with a capacity less than 2, there must be at least one Destroyer
· For each Submarine, there must be at least one Battleship or Carrier (with capacity of 2 or greater)
· Exception: The Germans may have four Submarines for every three Battleships and Carriers
2.6. Initial Forces – Advanced Rule: Construction
If using the Advanced Rule: Construction, each player gets the following additional starting forces
· One Large Construction Yard at the Capital
· One Medium Construction Yard at any one Large Base
· Two Small Construction Yards at any Large Bases or the Capital
o These may be upgraded to Medium Construction Yards for 35 points each out of initial build points
· One Submarine pen, at any Large Base or the Capital
· Four Aircraft Factories at the Capital
o No more than two of a particular Subtype of Aircraft
2.7. Initial Forces – Advanced Rule: Territory
If using the Advanced Rule: Territory, each player gets the following additional starting forces
· One Small Airbase and one Light Shore Battery at each Small Base
· One Medium Airbase, one Medium Shore Battery, and two Light Shore Batteries at each Large Base
· Two Large Airbases, three Large Shore Batteries, and three Medium Shore Batteries at the Capital
2.8. Initial Forces – Advanced Rule: Ground Combat
If using the Advanced Rule: Ground Combat, each player gets the following additional starting forces
· One Infantry Company in each Small Base
· Three Infantry Companies in each Large Base
· Twelve Infantry Companies at the Capital
2.9. Initial Forces – Advanced Rule: Repair
If using the Advanced Rule: Repair, each player gets the following additional starting forces
· One Repair Facility at each Small Base, Large Base, and at the Capital
2.10. Initial Forces – Advanced Rule: Economy
If using the Advanced Rule: Economy, each player gets the following additional starting forces
· Sixty (60) Transport Ships
2.11. Starting Pre-Build Points – Advanced Rule: Quarterly
If using the Advanced Rule: Quarterly, each player gets 500 points instead of 250 to use on Pre-production of units.
3. Turn Sequence
The Turn Sequence of the game is as follows. It is modified as noted by which Advanced Rules are in effect.
1. Spend Production Points (4.0)
2. Deploy Aircraft (5.0)
3. Move Ships (6.0)
4. Scouting (7.0)
· Only used with Advanced Rule: Scouting
5. Commit Aircraft Strikes (8.0)
6. Tactical Intelligence (9.0)
7. Perform Aircraft Strikes (10.0)
8. Combat (11.0)
9. Regroup (12.0)
10. Deploy New Production (13.0)
11. Collect Production Points (14.0)
12. Move Timeline (15.0)
4. Spend Production Points
4.1. Turn 1 Production
Each player starts Turn 1 with a number of points in his Bank equal to his Turn production (plus any points saved from his initial build and pre-production).
· See (13.0) Collect Production for Turn Production values
4.2. Allocate Construction
Each player secretly spends the Production Points in their bank.
· No more than 20% of these points may remain unspent; any excess are wasted.
· Units cost an amount equal to their War at Sea cost.
· Only units that can be produced in the current year can be scheduled for production, though units that are available in the future may have their production begun.
o Exception: Units which are available in a year may be produced during the FALL of the prior year, as they are not available for use until the first turn of the year of their availability.
· The Unit Rarity rules (2.3) remain in effect.
4.3. Construction Times
Each unit takes an amount of time to build based upon its cost.
· Units with a cost of 15 points or less are produced in one turn; when purchased in the Spend Production Points phase of a turn, they are deployed during the Deploy New Production phase of the same turn.
· Units with a cost of 16 points or more take one turn per 15 points or fraction thereof. To build these units, the player must spend 15 points or half (rounded up) of the outstanding/remaining cost, whichever is greater. No more than 15 points may be spent on a unit in one turn.
o Example: The HMS Repulse costs 33 points, so would take 3 turns to build. 15 points would be spent on the first turn and at least 9 points, but no more than 15, on the second turn. The balance would be spent on the third and last turn.
4.4. Construction Locations
The production location of each unit must be determined when production begins for the unit.
· Battleships and Carriers (with a capacity greater than 1) may only be produced at the CAPITAL.
· All other units may be produced at either the CAPITAL or at a LARGE BASE.
4.5. Construction Times – Advanced Rule: Quarterly
If using the Advanced Rule: Quarterly, the following replaces the rules for Construction Times.
Unit | Limits | Turns to Build |
Aircraft | None | 1 |
Submarine | Cost<16 | 2 |
Submarine | Cost 16+ | 3 |
Patrol Boat | None | 1 |
Destroyer | None | 2 |
Cruiser | Armor 2-3; cost <15 | 3 |
Cruiser | Armor 2-4; cost <19 | 4 |
Cruiser | Armor 2+; cost 19+ | 5 |
Carrier | Armor 1-3; cost <15 | 3 |
Carrier | Armor 1-4; cost <26 | 4 |
Carrier | Armor 1+; cost 26+ | 5 |
Battleship | Hull 3-4; cost <25 | 5 |
Battleship | Hull 3-5; cost <35 | 6 |
Battleship | Hull 3-5; cost <50 | 7 |
Battleship | Hull 3-5; cost <70 | 8 |
Battleship | Hull 3+; cost 70+ | 9 |
Auxiliary | Cost <5 | 1 |
Auxiliary | Cost <10 | 2 |
Auxiliary | Cost 10+ | 3 |
To build multi-turn units, the player must spend at least 6 points or half of the remaining cost (whichever is less) and no more than 10 points per turn.
4.6. Construction Locations – Advanced Rule: Construction
If using the Advanced Rule: Construction, the following replaces the rules for Construction Locations.
· Ships and Submarines must have appropriate construction facilities as follows:
Facility | Capacity | Max Hull | Total Hull |
Small Construction Yard | 3 Ships | 2 | 6 |
Medium Construction Yard | 6 Ships | 3 | 15 |
Large Construction Yard | 10 Ships | 6 | 40 |
Submarine Construction Pen | 3 Submarines | 3 | 6 |
o Capacity indicates the number of units than can be worked on/being built at the facility during any particular turn
o Max Hull indicates the facility cannot build units with a Hull value greater than the listed value for the facility
o Total Hull indicates the facility cannot simultaneously build units whose total Hull values exceed the listed value for the facility
· Ships are built at Construction Yards and Submarines are built at Construction Pens
o Exception: Large Construction Yards can build up to two Submarines at a time
o Exception: Medium Construction Yards can build up to one Submarine at any time
· Ships of the Subtype ‘Torpedo Boat’ only take up 0.5 points of Capacity each
· Aircraft must be produced in Aircraft-specific factories. Each factory can produce up to four aircraft per turn.
o Only one factory can exist for each Aircraft with a Rarity of ‘Quarter’
o Only two factories can exists for each Aircraft with a Rarity of ‘Half’
o This limit on factories replaces the Unit Rarity rules for Aircraft.
4.7. Construction Times – Advanced Rule: Territory
If using the Advanced Rule: Territory, then the player must spend up to 25 points per 3-months when building a land base. The Minimum spent is the amount remaining, if less than 25 points per 3-month turn.
4.8. Construction Loss and Destruction
If a Construction Facility is destroyed and/or the territory where construction is ongoing is lost to the enemy, then all production points allocated for uncompleted units by that facility/at that location is lost.
5. Deploy Aircraft
5.1. Deploy Aircraft Overview
During this phase, each player secretly deploys all of their aircraft to bases or carriers. The basing capacity of bases and carriers may not be exceeded. Any excess units are placed in the CAPITAL, but may not be used in combat.
5.2. Basing Capacity
The Basing Capacity of bases is as follows:
· CAPITAL 12 aircraft
· LARGE BASE 8 aircraft
· SMALL BASE 5 aircraft
5.3. Basing Capacity – Advanced Rule: Territory
If using the Advanced Rule: Territory, then the basing capacity of any territory is based upon the capacity of the Airbases on the island in that territory.
6. Move Ships
6.1. Ship Movement
· Ships may move a number of sectors on the map equal to their Movement value.
· Units may not move through sectors they do not control but may move into them.
· Special Ability: Slow ‘x’. For units with this special ability, a die is rolled to determine allowed movement in the same manner as during combat.
· Crippled units may move one sector.
· Movement is secret; the results are not discovered by opponents until the Tactical Intelligence phase.
6.2. Turn 1 Movement
On the first turn of the game, for the purposes of ship movement, the ships are considered to be in a sector adjacent to their desired destination.
6.3. Movement – Advanced Rule: Economy
If using the Advanced Rule: Economy, then each player must designate for each ship whether it is part of the Convoy (typically any Transports and their escorts) or part of the Task Force (combat ships).
7. Scouting
7.1. Scouting Overview
During the Scouting Phase, each player secretly and simultaneously deploys aircraft to Sectors for the purpose of gathering tactical intelligence.
· The Scouting Phase is only used if using the Advanced Rule: Scouting.
7.2. Scouting Mechanics
· Any Dive Bomber, Torpedo Bomber, or Patrol Bomber can search a sector within its Range (see 8.0 Commit Aircraft Strikes for Aircraft Ranges)
· Any Fighter can search as above if it has one of the following Special Abilities:
o Pinpointer
o Recon
o Shadowing
7.3. Scouting – Advanced Rule: Economy
If using the Advanced Rule: Economy, then each scouting aircraft must be designated to either be going after the Convoy or after the Task Force.
8. Commit Aircraft Strikes
8.1. Commit Aircraft Strikes – Overview
During the Commit Aircraft Strikes phase, each player secretly and simultaneously commits their aircraft to sectors within their strike range.
8.2. Aircraft Strike Range
Patrol Bombers with loiter have unlimited range. Patrol Bombers without loiter have a maximum range of 4 sectors. All other Aircraft have a maximum range of 1 sector (i.e., an adjacent sector).
8.3. Withheld Aircraft Strikes
Patrol Bombers do not have to be committed at this time but if not are limited to combat in their same or adjacent sector, a decision made during the Perform Aircraft Strikes phase.
8.4. Carrier Strikes
A ‘Carrier Strike’ is the commitment of aircraft from a carrier to a non-local sector. A ‘Carrier Strike’ has a risk because if the sector with the carrier is attacked, then the aircraft may not rearm – after their attack, they merely move off map and do not return. The aircraft do not count toward victory points, for either the aircraft’s battle or the carrier’s, but the standard survival roll must be made for the aircraft if their carrier is destroyed in that battle.
8.5. Aircraft Strike Range – Advanced Rule: Air Range
If using the Advanced Rule: Air Range, then each Aircraft has a specific strike range. This rule replaces (8.2).
8.6. Withheld Aircraft Strikes – Advanced Rule: Planned Airstrikes
If using the Advanced Rule: Planned Airstrikes, then no aircraft need to be committed during this phase; all aircraft may commit during the Perform Airstrikes phase. However, carrier-based Aircraft may not be committed during the Perform Airstrikes phase to a non-local sector if the sector with their carrier is attacked during the turn.
8.7. Aircraft Strikes – Advanced Rule: Economy
If using the Advanced Rule: Economy, then aircraft strikes are designated either to be attacking (or defending) the Convoy or attacking (or defending) the Task Force; they are considered separate entities for this purpose. Attacks on any land bases are assumed to be attacks on the Task Force.
9. Tactical Intelligence
9.1. Tactical Intelligence – Overview
During the Tactical Intelligence Phase, each player reveals information about his deployments (i.e., the results of Move Ships) to his opponent.
9.2. Tactical Intelligence - Data
During the Tactical Intelligence phase, each player must share data regarding his ships in every sector that is adjacent to one of his sectors. This information must include the following:
· Number of Battleships
· Number of Carriers
· Number of Cruisers
· Number of Destroyers
· Number of Auxiliaries
The numbers of Submarines, Patrol Boats, or details on what types of ships in each class are not disclosed.
9.3. Tactical Intelligence – Advanced Rule: Scouting
If using the Advanced Rule: Scouting, the information disclosed depends upon the number of scouting aircraft in the sector. This rule replaces (9.2) Tactical Intelligence – Data.
· If no scouting aircraft are in the sector and the sector is adjacent to an enemy controlled sector, then the following is disclosed:
o ‘Small Force’ is disclosed if there are no Battleships or Carriers (with a capacity greater than 1) and if there are no more than 3 Ships in the sector.
o ‘Medium Force’ is disclosed if there are no more than one Battleship or Carrier (with a capacity greater than 1) and if there are no more than 6 ships in the sector.
o ‘Large Force’ is disclosed if there are more than one Battleship or Carrier (with a capacity greater than 1) or if there are more than 6 ships in the sector.
o The presence of Submarines is not disclosed with this level of data.
· If one scouting aircraft is in the sector, then the following is disclosed:
o Count of Torpedo Boats
o Count of Destroyers
o Presence of Submarines (Y/N)
o Count of Cruisers
o Count of Carriers
o Count of Auxiliaries
o Count of Battleships
· If more than one scouting aircraft is in the sector, then the data from the first is disclosed as above and for each additional aircraft, the scouting player can choose to have disclosed one of the following:
o Class of random Battleship
o Class of random Carrier
o Class of random Cruiser
o Count of Submarines
o The Scouting player makes his choice AFTER receiving the data from the first scouting aircraft
9.4. Tactical Intelligence – Time of Day
For each sector for which Data is disclosed, the Time of Day must be randomly determined. This Time of Day is used to determine the turns of Night during Combat and must be determined and disclosed as part of the intelligence data. To determine weather, roll 2d6 for each sector. ‘N’ indicates a turn of Night, ‘D’ indicates a turn of Daylight.
2d6 Value | Turn | ||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | |
2 | N | N | N | N | D | D | D | D | D |
3 | N | N | N | D | D | D | D | D | D |
4 | N | N | D | D | D | D | D | D | D |
5 | N | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D |
6 | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D |
7 | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D |
8 | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D |
9 | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | N |
10 | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | N | N |
11 | D | D | D | D | D | D | N | N | N |
12 | D | D | D | D | D | N | N | N | N |
9.5. Tactical Intelligence – Advanced Rule: Large Battle Maps
If using the Advanced Rule: Large Battle Maps, the following table replaces the one in (9.4).
2d6 Value | Turn | |||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | |
2 | N | N | N | N | N | D | D | D | D | D | D | D |
3 | N | N | N | N | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D |
4 | N | N | N | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D |
5 | N | N | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D |
6 | N | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D |
7 | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D |
8 | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | N |
9 | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | N | N |
10 | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | N | N | N |
11 | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | N | N | N | N |
12 | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | N | N | N | N | N |
9.6. Tactical Intelligence - Flee Declaration
After disclosure of intelligence data, each player simultaneously declares whether they are remaining in the sector or choose to flee. See Regroup phase for limitations on fleeing vessels. At this time also, players declare if any crippled ships at bases are participating in potential combat, remaining in port to be repaired or are fleeing.
9.7. Tactical Intelligence – Advanced Rule: Economy
If using the Advanced Rule: Economy, at all levels of Tactical Intelligence data, including weather, are disclosed/determined separately for the Convoy and Task Force in each applicable sector.
9.8. Tactical Intelligence – Advanced Rule: Territory
If using the Advanced Rule: Territory, standard tactical intelligence reveals the number of Land bases. If also using the Advanced Rule: Scouting, then basic tactical intelligence reveals the presence of land bases (Y/N), tactical intelligence with scout planes reveals the Number of Land Bases, and additional scout planes may choose to reveal the class of a random Land Base.
10. Perform Aircraft Strikes
10.1. Perform Aircraft Strikes – Withheld Aircraft Strikes
During the Perform Aircraft Strikes Phase, Patrol Bombers which were not committed during the Commit Aircraft Strikes phase can be committed to local or adjacent sectors.
10.2. Perform Aircraft Strikes – Advanced Rule: Planned Airstrikes
If using the Advanced Rule: Planned Airstrikes, this rule replaces the Withheld Aircraft Strikes rule. During this phase, each player secretly and simultaneously commits their aircraft (which were not committed in the Commit Aircraft Strikes phase) to sectors within their strike range. See (8.0) Commit Aircraft Strikes rules for aircraft strike range.
10.3. Perform Aircraft Strikes – Carrier Strikes
A ‘Carrier Strike’ is the commitment of aircraft from a carrier to a non-local sector. A ‘Carrier Strike’ may not be performed in this phase if the sector that contains the carrier contains enemy ships. In this situation, the aircraft may only be used locally.
10.4. Perform Aircraft Strikes – Advanced Rule: Economy
If using the Advanced Rule: Economy, then aircraft strikes are designated either to be attacking (or defending) the Convoy or attacking (or defending) the Task Force; they are considered separate entities for this purpose. Attacks on any land bases are assumed to be attacks on the Task Force.
11. Combat
11.1. Combat – Overview
During the combat phase, every sector which contains units from two or more sides is resolved, in numerical order using the Axis and Allies: Naval Miniatures rules.
11.2. Combat Set-Up
Combat is held on a standard Axis and Allies: Naval Miniatures Battle map, with the standard set-up rules applying, including islands and weather.
11.3. Combat Set-Up – Advanced Rule: Large Battle Map
If using the Advanced Rule: Large Battle Map, then two standard Axis and Allies: Naval Miniatures maps are used, end to end (so 22x8 sectors). Terrain and Weather are rolled separately for each map. [Optional: During Winter turns +1 to weather rolls]
11.4. Combat Set-Up – Advanced Rule: Territory
If using the Advanced Rule: Territory, then the Territory Island must be placed on the map.
· If neither player controls the sector, then the island is centered in F5
o If using Large Battle Maps, randomly center in either K5 of the first map or A5 of the second.
· If one player controls the sector, then the island is centered in C5, with the defender starting in column A
o If using Large Battle Maps, center the island in E5 of the defender’s map
· The CAPITAL is represented by an oblong Island of 12 spaces
· A LARGE BASE is represented by a circular island of 7 spaces
· A SMALL BASE is represented by a triangular island of 3 spaces
· Sectors with no BASE have a one-space island
· If a randomly placed non-territory island is adjacent or local to the Territory Island, then the randomly placed island is removed.
11.5. Special Abilities
See Section 16.0 for changes to unit Special Abilities.
11.6. Rule Changes
The following changes to the standard rules are used for combat.
· No objectives are used. The Battle ends when either the last turn ends or if one unit has no units left.
· If both the attacker and defender are in different sectors and both sectors grant concealment, the defender gets +1 on his concealment roll.
· Aircraft from Off-Map bases receive a number of re-arm markers equal to double their distance from base to target (in sectors), with a minimum of 1.
· Expert Special Abilities from local Carriers may only be used on local Carrier based aircraft.
11.7. Time Limit and Retreat
The following rules are used to define game length and retreating.
· The game ends after Turn 9.
· Units may retreat off their deployment map edge starting on Turn 6.
o Units which retreat suffer no penalties during the next turn.
· If the defending side had any ships that remained in port for repairs and the attacker wins the battle then all such ships are scuttled by their commanders and destroyed.
11.8. Time Limit and Retreat – Advanced Rule: Large Battle Map
If using the Advanced Rule: Large Battle Map, then the following rules change:
· The game ends after Turn 12.
· Units may flee off their deployment map edge, but suffer Flee penalties during their next turn.
11.9. Air Combat – Advanced Rule: Large Battle Map
If using the Advanced Rule: Large Battle Map, then the following rule changes apply:
· Aircraft receive a minimum of one re-arm marker, even those from on-map carriers or land bases.
· Aircraft receive +1 re-arm marker if the distance from their target to their carrier/base is more than 10 (battle map) sectors.
· Aircraft from off-map bases receive +1 re-arm marker if their target was on the Battle Map that includes the opponent’s deployment area.
11.10. Air Combat – Advanced Rule: Aircraft Ammunition
If using the Advanced Rule: Aircraft Ammunition, then the following rule changes apply:
· Any aircraft which is deployed in the Air Mission phase which doesn’t make an actual attack (i.e., roll attack dice), whether by being aborted, having no target, or by choice, receives one fewer re-arm markers during the Air Return phase.
11.11. Air Combat – Advanced Rule: Aircraft Damage
If using the Advanced Rule: Aircraft Damage, then the following rule changes apply:
· Each Aircraft has 4 hull points
· Each Abort does 1 point of hull damage
· Aborted Aircraft may still be attacked, but Ship Antiair suffers -1 to each attack die.
· Aircraft with only 1 hull point remaining suffer the same attack penalties as crippled ships.
· If not destroyed, Aircraft are fully repaired between strategic turns.
11.12. Surface Attack – Advanced Rule: Ground Combat
If using the Advanced Rule: Ground Combat, the following rule changes apply:
· If also using the Advanced Rule: Large Battle Map, the Territory Island is centered in I5 of the defender’s map.
· A Territory island is not captured until a friendly infantry unit is on the island and no enemy bases or infantry units remain on the island.
11.13. Combat – Advanced Rule: Economy
If using the Advanced Rule: Economy, the following rule changes apply:
· There is the possibility of up to three separate battles per sector when using this Advanced Rule.
· If one side has both a Convoy and a Task Force, the opponent may choose to send his Submarines (all of them) against either the Convoy or the Task Force.
· If one side has both a Convoy and a Task Force, the opponent’s Task Force may attempt to INTERCEPT the Convoy.
o If the convoy player chooses to attempt to defend his Convoy with his Task Force, each player rolls initiative for his Task Force, including all Flag and other bonuses.
o If the Convoy player ties or wins, then the Task Forces fight each other normally and the Convoy is not attacked (though may be attacked by aircraft and submarines).
o If the intercepting player wins, then a Convoy Battle is fought.
· If both players have both Convoys and Task Forces, then no interception by a Task Force is possible.
o In this case, the Task Forces fight each other and up to two convoy battles may occur.
· The Convoy battle is always fought on a single Battle Map with a 12 turn limit.
o The Convoy forces begin in column A, the intercepting forces in column K.
o The Task Force (friendly to the convoy) arrives in Row A on Turn 3 + (difference in initiative).
o The Convoy may retreat off Row K at any time without penalty.
12. Regroup
12.1. Regroup Overview
During the Regroup phase, ships regroup and repair.
12.2. Regroup Movement
The following rules are used for Regroup Movement:
· Ships which lose a combat must retreat to an adjacent friendly sector (no closer to the enemy’s capital). If no such sector exists, they must move to the nearest friendly sector and are not available for use during the next turn (they are effectively, in transit, escaping to friendly seas).
· Ships which win combat may choose to remain in that sector or retreat to an adjacent friendly sector (no closer to the enemy’s capital).
· Ships which flee before combat, must retreat as if they had fought and lost, but may not make an offensive action (moving into an enemy sector or launching a carrier strike) on their next turn. If lack of adjacent sector makes them unavailable for use during the next turn, then this restriction is delayed until the subsequent turn.
· Land-based Aircraft return to the base from which they launched. If this base is no longer under friendly control, they must go to the nearest friendly base, regardless of base-limits. Any such base-limit violations must be resolved during the next Deploy Aircraft phase.
12.3. Repair
The following rules are used for Repair:
· All non-crippled units repair one point of damage.
· Any unit which has spent the entire turn at a friendly BASE (of any type) and did not engage in combat (i.e., remained in port to be repaired) is fully repaired.
o Units with the Special Ability: Repair, may act as a BASE for the purpose of repairing a crippled unit.
12.4. Repair – Advanced Rule: Repair
If using the Advanced Rule: Repair, the following rules are used:
· All non-crippled units repair one point of damage.
· Any unit which spent the entire turn at a friendly Repair Facility with available capacity and did not engage in combat (i.e., remained in port to be repaired) is fully repaired.
o A Repair Facility can repair any unit with hull of 3 or less in 3 months or a unit of any size in 6 months.
o Units with Special Ability: Repair count as a Repair Facility for these purposes
· If using the Advanced Rule: Construction, any construction facility may use construction capacity to repair a unit that it can build, at the same rate as a Repair Facility.
13. Deploy New Production
13.1. Deploy New Production – Overview
During the Deploy New Production phase, all completed construction is placed in their designated construction location. . Ignore base-limits for aircraft at this time; they will be resolved during the next Deploy Aircraft phase.
14. Collect Production
14.1. Economic Production
During the Collect Production phase, each player’s territories produce Economic Points at the following rates:
Sector Type | 2-Player Game Value | 3-Player Game Value |
CAPITAL | 150 | 150 |
LARGE BASE | 40 | 50 |
SMALL BASE | 25 | 25 |
EMPTY SECTOR | 10 | 10 |
14.2. Banking Economic Points
Al l Economic Points produced are automatically placed in the player’s Bank at this time.
14.3. Banking Economic Points – Advanced Rule: Economy
If using the Advanced Rule: Economy, economic points must be transported from where they are produced to where they can be used (i.e., construction points or facilities).
· For these purposes, each construction location is considered to have its own separate Bank that can be used for construction by that location.
· The offloading of Economic Points from transports is considered to occur during this phase.
15. Move Timeline
15.1. Move Timeline
Each year is divided into two turns, the SPRING turn and the FALL turn. Typically, games will begin in the SPRING turn of the selected year. At the end of each turn, the timeline moves to the next season (SPRING or FALL), with the Year incrementing as needed.
15.2. Move Timeline – Advanced Rule: Quarterly
Each year is divided into four turns, the WINTER, SPRING, SUMMER, and FALL turns. Typically, games will begin in the WINTER turn of the selected year. At the end of each turn, the timeline moves to the next season, with the Year incrementing as needed.
16. Special Abilities
Aircraft Strike – if using Advanced Rule: Territories, replace with: This Fighter can make Antiair attacks against Aircraft landed at an Airbase.
Bombard – if using Advanced Rule: Territories, replace with: If this unit hits an Airbase with its Main Gunnery attack, place one extra rearm counter on every Aircraft at the base.
Combat Air Patrol – if using Advanced Rule: Territories, replace with: At the end of the Air Mission phase, if this unit is in a sector that contains a friendly Carrier or Airbase and no enemy Aircraft, you may move this unit to a sector within range 2 that contains an enemy Aircraft.
Determined Attack – if using Advanced Rule: Aircraft Damage, replace with: If this unit is hit only once during the Air Defense phase, it may still make its attack during the Air Attack phase. You get -1 on each attack die for that Bomb or Gunnery attack, or roll one less attack die for that Torpedo attack.
Excellent Endurance – replace with: Once per game, at the beginning of the Air Mission phase, you may remove a Rearming counter from this unit. If done, the unit must use the same Air Mission as declared on the previous turn.
Hi-Level Bomber – replace with: Whenever this unit makes a Bomb attack, it only scores a hit on a 6. This unit can't hit Destroyers or Torpedo Boats with Bomb attacks. Ship Antiair suffers a penalty of -1 on each die when attacking this unit in the Air Defense phase.
Landing ‘X’ – if using Advanced Rule: Ground Combat, replace with: If this unit is adjacent to an island at the end of the Surface Attack phase, any Infantry units this unit is carrying may disembark onto an adjacent island space.
Loiter – replace with: This unit can choose to have no rearm markers placed on it during the Air Return phase. If it does this, it may not change its Air mission during the next turn.
Night Fighter – replace with: Once per game, during a Night turn, this unit may re-roll one Gunnery attack,
No Sea Control – replace with: This unit cannot claim territory.
Press the Attack - if using Advanced Rule: Aircraft Damage, replace with: If this unit is hit only once during the Air Defense phase, it may still make a Bomb attack during the Air Attack phase. You get -1 on each attack die for that Bomb attack.
Secret Cargo ‘X’ – if using Advanced Rule: Ground Combat, replace with: If this unit is adjacent to an island at the end of the Submarine Attack phase, any Commando units this unit is carrying may make an immediate attack on an adjacent land base or infantry unit.
Shore Support – if using Advanced Rule: Territory, replace with: This unit rolls one extra attack die when making Main Gunnery attacks against Land Bases.
Shore Support - if using Advanced Rule: Ground Combat, replace with: Infantry units gain one extra die when attacking infantry units attacked by this unit.
Vital Cargo ‘X’ – if using Advanced Rule: Economy, replace with: This unit may carry ‘X’ economic points.
17. New Units
Ground Forces. Each island space may hold no more than 4 ground units for each side.
· Infantry Company 8 points
o Main 10/-/-/- AA 4 Armor 6 Vital Armor 12 Hull 3
§ Infantry. Each point of hull damage reduces Main Gunnery attack by one die. The last hull point can only be destroyed by an Infantry attack.
§ Air Support. If attacking an infantry unit that was attacked by aircraft this turn, this unit gains +1 die for their attack.
§ Shore Support. If attacking an infantry unit that was attacked by a ship this turn, this unit gains +1 die for their attack.
§ Dug-In. If defending a space on a friendly island, this unit has +2 Armor.
· Commando Unit 6 points
o Main 12/-/-/- AA 3 Armor 5 Vital Armor 10 Hull 1
§ Air Support
§ Shore Support
Land Bases. Each island space may hold no more than 3 SPACES of land bases.
· Small Airbase 15 points 2 SPACES
o Base 3 AA 5 Armor 2 Vital Armor 10 Hull 4
§ Land Base. Not effected by torpedo attacks
§ Airfield. Cannot support more aircraft than its number of remaining Hull points. Any excess aircraft at the base when damage is taken are destroyed.
· Medium Airbase 30 points 3 SPACES
o Base 5 AA 6 Armor 3 Vital Armor 12 Hull 6
§ Land Base
§ Airfield
· Large Airbase 60 points 4 SPACES
o Base 8 AA 7 Armor 3 Vital Armor 16 Hull 9
§ Land Base
§ Airfield
· Light Shore Battery 10 points 1 SPACE
o Main 4/4/3/- AA 4 Armor 3 Vital Armor 10 Hull 4
§ Land Base
§ Shore Battery. Can trace line of sight through the island space it occupies.
· Medium Shore Battery 18 points 2 SPACES
o Main 8/7/6/5 AA 5 Armor 4 Vital Armor 12 Hull 6
§ Land Base
§ Shore Battery
· Heavy Shore Battery 30 points 3 SPACES
o Main 12/11/10/9 Sec 4/4/3 AA 6 Armor 5 Vital Armor 15 Hull 8
§ Land Base
§ Shore Battery
· Repair Facility 10 points 1 SPACE
o AA 4 Armor 3 Vital Armor 8 Hull 2
§ Land Base
· Small Construction Yard 25 points 2 SPACES
o AA 5 Armor 3 Vital Armor 9 Hull 3
§ Land Base
· Medium Construction Yard 60 points 4 SPACES
o AA 5 Armor 3 Vital Armor 11 Hull 4
§ Land Base
· Large Construction Yard 150 points 6 SPACES
o AA 6 Armor 3 Vital Armor 12 Hull 5
§ Land Base
· Submarine Construction Pen 20 points 2 SPACES
o AA 5 Armor 4 Vital Armor 10 Hull 3
§ Land Base
· Fighter Factory 3 x Aircraft cost 1 SPACE
o AA 4 Armor 2 Vital Armor 8 Hull 2
§ Land Base
· Dive Bomber Factory 3 x Aircraft cost 1 SPACE
o AA 4 Armor 2 Vital Armor 8 Hull 2
§ Land Base
· Torpedo Bomber Factory 3 x Aircraft cost 1 SPACE
o AA 4 Armor 2 Vital Armor 8 Hull 2
§ Land Base
· Patrol Bomber Factory 3 x Aircraft cost 2 SPACES
o AA 4 Armor 2 Vital Armor 9 Hull 3
§ Land Base
Generic Auxiliaries
§ Troop Transport 5 points
§ AA 4 Armor 1 Vital Armor 6 Hull 2 Speed 2
§ No Sea Control
§ Slow 2
§ Landing 5
§ Units with Landing may transport one Infantry Company per 2.5 rating they have in that Special Ability
§ Cargo Transport 3 points
§ AA 3 Armor 1 Vital Armor 4 Hull 2 Speed 1
§ No Sea Control
§ Vital Cargo 6
§ Each point of Vital Cargo represent an Economic Point
§ Units can deliver one Commando Unit for every 2 points of Special Cargo.